CityHub Foodie Latest News For The North West Local News in Southport in Merseyside

New Restaurant Set To Open In Southport Town Centre Called Smack Hamburgers

new restaurant
Written by John Nicoll

A busy Southport town centre road looks set to be the home of a new restaurant due to openlater this year.

The new restaurant will open in a building on London Street, formerly the home of the Co-Operative bank until 2016. The bank has now been closed for six years and will be turned into a new restaurant.

Sefton Council have received and approved a planning application to turn the ground floor into a restaurant called Smack Hamburgers, who’ll also offer takeaway and collection options.

The application states that the restaurant will open 11am until 11pm everyday of the week, including on Bank Holidays and Sundays.

A council report following its decision states: “The area remains dominated by retail uses and the introduction of this development to a longstanding vacant unit would make a positive contribution to the overall vitality and viability of the centre. 

“It would not result in an unacceptable cluster of non-retail uses. The proposal is unlikely to cause significant harm to the living conditions of nearby residents and is acceptable in this instance.” The new restaurant looks set to open in Autumn of 2022 with no outdoor seating area.

Are you looking forward to London Road having a new eatery? Let us know in the comments below.